Academic word list highlighter
Academic word list highlighter
Untangle the language of reasoning questions

This page provides two resources for learning academic words:
- a word highlighter
- a gap maker
Both these activities enable teachers and learners to understand and use the words in the context of real texts.
Further information on this resource.
Academic words
The Academic Word List, (Coxhead 2000) consists of 570 word ‘families’ commonly found in academic subject texts. These words also occur in newspapers and other non-fiction texts but are less common in fiction. Each word family consists of a head word and related words. For example, the verb consult (v) has as its ‘family members’, consultant (n), consultancy (n), consultative (adj), consultation (n).
The AWL contains essential vocabulary for both teachers and learners of English in secondary and tertiary education. The words are generic rather than subject- specific; often known as ‘Tier 2’ words.