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One size does not fit all...
- New arrivals who have never attended school and have no English?
- Seemingly fluent English speakers who understand the curriculum content but struggle to write good exam answers?
- Pupils whose English seems to be stuck and not getting any better?
- Increasing number of EAL pupils and teachers who are keen to develop their own EAL expertise?
How do you maintain high expectations for all of your multilingual pupils while recognising and
understanding the differences between them?
What do I do with a new arrival in my classroom who doesn’t understand anything I say in English?
My EAL pupils speak English well and with a good local accent, but as soon as they start writing it’s obvious English is not their first language. What do I do?
How do I ensure my school has systems that help new arrivals fit in and make a flying start?
My pupils write reasonably in English, but it is obvious they don’t understand how academic English works. What do I do?

What our clients say

The EAL Academy has given us an approach to literacy rooted in theory and practice and customised precisely to our circumstances and requirements.
James CathcartDirector, Lycée International British Section, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
The EAL Academy works equally effectively in classrooms and at a strategic level. The outcome is more confident schools and much improved results.
Jonathan LewisService Director - Education at Cambridgeshire County Council / Peterborough City Council
The series of courses, as well as the in-house tailored support have enabled our Academy to critically review its practice and processes to such an extent that we are now in a much stronger position to receive new arrivals, monitor and track their progress as well as support teaching and learning across the curriculum. Thank you!
Colin BaxterThomas Deacon Academy Trust