Home / Training & Consultancy
We offer a range of approaches to assist you in addressing the diverse needs of your pupils
- EAL provision review, design and implementation
- Whole school or smaller group training sessions
- INSETs and twilights
- Tailored packages of consultancy and training
- Blended delivery models with in-person and online elements
Our training and consultancy is tailored to meet your needs and maximise impact with your team.

We begin by assessing the needs of your school, your teachers, your EAL learners and your community, and work with you to design an approach which meets those needs, shaping and adapting our training and consultancy to suit your situation. Our work is:
- Based on your understanding of your starting point
- Grounded in a deep understanding of what makes a school tick in a multicultural setting
- Supported by rigorous analysis of data
- Aimed at delivering whole school change
Group training
We offer training which is firmly rooted in whole school development, empowering teachers and leaders to effect change throughout the school. Our training takes many different forms:
- INSET training sessions
- Series of twilight training
- In-class coaching teacher development programme
- Tailored online training programmes for groups - complete at same time or at their own pace
There is training appropriate for every situation.

In-class coaching
- Imagine an EAL expert working alongside you guiding and helping you in your classroom for a whole morning!
- Imagine then if this EAL expert sat down with you to review the morning and help you plan strategies and develop resources so that the next day would be better.
- Imagine if that morning turned into six days – six whole days of working closely with your EAL expert.
- Imagine if, with the support of your EAL expert, you were able to share your experiences and the expertise you had acquired over those six days with your colleagues so that the whole school could benefit.
"Fantastic ideas on how to support using interactive strategies. It has been a great set of CPD for our school - couldn’t have asked for more as totally tailored to us."
Victoria Buckland
Headteacher, Hill View Primary Academy