Welcome to our third newsletter of 2022.
- Resources you can access for free
- New free webinar in the changing the conversation series
- Areas with largest numbers of Polish pupils
- Celebrate your achievements with the EAL Quality Mark
- Online EAL training at your own pace and at a time that works for you
The latest additions to the free resource downloads section of our website are:
- EAL funding for schools by LA
- Strategies for supporting different types of newly arrived pupils
- Languages spoken by pupils in each local authority
Other useful free resources we have come across recently include these first language assessment tools from France (including a version in English). We have also found a great list of resources in Ukrainian. For free secondary resources, make sure you have a look at EAL in the Daylight.
New free webinar in the changing the conversation series
Join us on 12 May 2022 for a discussion on whether we have reached a moment where not only can we celebrate the diversity of cultures and languages in our schools, but also see that diversity as the engine of an entirely new narrative in which diversity is the strength that makes our schools successful. Book here.
Where do you find the biggest numbers of Polish pupils?
EAL pupils tend to be concentrated in big cities. However, for Polish speaking pupils the 2021 school census tells us that things are a bit different.

Celebrate your achievements with the EAL Quality Mark
The EAL Quality Mark is a self-assessment tool for schools supported by a visit from one of our assessors. You can find out more about the EAL Quality Mark in this short video featuring schools who have successfully achieved the Silver or Gold EAL Quality Mark.
Online EAL training
We offer two types of online course, both 100% online. There are no scheduled interactions for our online courses as our participants are based in a range of time zones. Participants and tutors engage with one another via the group discussion boards, sharing their experiences and responses to tasks. If you require further support throughout the courses you can arrange a Zoom/Skype tutorial with the relevant tutor.
The accredited online EAL course is a six unit course completed over a six month period. Each unit comprises a set of reading and/or viewing activities. There are 3 written assignments to be completed in total (of 1200, 1200 and 600 words respectively). On successful completion you receive a certificate accredited by University of Greenwich. The most recent graduate is Miriam Al-Alousi, a Year 4 Teacher at Laurance Haines School in Watford. She told us:
“Just wanted to give excellent feedback for this course. It has been absolutely eye opening and I am so excited to implement more of these strategies at my school!”
We will welcome the next cohort on 15 May. Email contact@theealacademy.co.uk to request a booking form.
We also offer a range of shorter online courses taking 12-15 hours to complete. These courses involve a set of reading and/or viewing activities and one written assignment (400 words).
Rebecca Smith
The EAL Academy
e: rebecca@theealacademy.co.uk
t: +44 (0)20 3488 2700
w: http://www.theealacademy.co.uk