Developing literacy for a multilingual world
Welcome to our second newsletter of 2020, keeping you up to date with current developments in EAL. This issue includes:
- delegate course this term and next term
- our online course
- GCSE outcomes for EAL pupils in 2019
- the latest schools to achieve the EAL Quality Mark.
EAL courses this term
We are cancelling our remaining courses this term because of the COVID-19 virus, but will be delivering some of them online. You can find some useful translated information about COVID-19 from Doctors of the World at It may be helpful for sharing with parents.
Places available on our accredited online EAL course
Our ever popular Online EAL course, accredited by the University of Greenwich, is now in its eighth year. We will welcome new cohorts in April, May and June. Contact us to request an application form.
How well did EAL pupils perform at GCSE in 2020?
In 2019 EAL pupils performed outperformed pupils whose first language is English once again and the Attainment 8 gap gap is slowly getting larger. There are big variations by region, local authority and individual school. You can find more details on our blog.

If you want to know more about making the best use of EAL data, book a place on our Making sense of pupil and performance data course.
Proudly presenting our latest EAL Quality Mark recipient
Finally, we are delighted to announce the most recent recipient of the EAL Quality Mark Gold Award is Lea Forest Primary Academy Read about schools with great EAL practice on our blog.
If you would like to discuss any of our courses or resources, please get in touch (you can email me or call me on +44 (0)20 3488 2700).
Rebecca Smith
The EAL Academy
t: +44 (0)20 3488 2700