EAL resources
We have developed a number of helpful EAL resources for teaching staff and schools, available to buy or download for free.

EAL Handbook
An essential EAL resource packed full of guidance and practical tools for all staff working with EAL pupils, suitable for UK state schools and international schools globally.

History & geography academic literacy
We see oracy as crucial to the development of academic literacy. This EAL resource has been developed with the assistance of colleagues at The British Section of the Lycée International at Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

Language for Maths
Help children untangle the language of SATs reasoning questions through collaborative activities and guidance on vocabulary. Perfect for EAL pupils and any children who require additional language support in years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Academic word list highlighter
Two EAL resources for learning academic words: a word highlighter and a gap maker. Both these activities enable teachers and learners to understand and use the words in the context of real texts.
The latest additions to the library are listed below